Essay on Non-cooperative Hospital Staff

Robinson, one of my classmates, injured his rib, after he fell from his cycle, last Sunday. He was taken to a private hospital and was admitted, as an emergency case.

He was soon X-rayed and it was found that one of his ribs had cracked. He was then taken for an examination by the Bone-Specialist. There, it took him an hour when at last his turn came. There were so many cases to be examined that day, as the other doctor was on the operation duty.

The Specialist advised him complete rest. He plastered him on his ribs. Later on, he was sent to a bed in the ward. There, he was expected to stay for about a fortnight.

In the same ward, there were 20 other similar cases. They were all the victims injuries and accidents. The nurses there were rather casual in their behaviour. They never had word of cheer for any one of them. It appeared, as if they had very little interest in their work.

The ward-boys were also equally careless. They never helped any one, unless their palms were greased. Since the hospital was a private one, the salaries were rather low. That contributed to the evil practice of expecting money on the slightest pretext from the patients or their relatives.

One nurse was so rude that she never attended to any case unless called upon by the doctor himself. I came home after seeking Robinson’s permission, and leaving him to the care of such a staff.

At home I prayed for his quick recovery and return from the clutches of such non-cooperative hospital staff.

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