6th Grade Math Worksheets

This dynamic math worksheet generator for grade 6 students offers various math word problems tailored to enhance essential math skills. The tool allows students to generate worksheets with 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, or 40 questions, providing a customized learning experience. Covering a broad range of topics, the worksheets support mastery of concepts through practical application, encouraging problem-solving abilities and critical thinking.

Grade 6 Add and Subtract Whole Numbers Workshets

Practicing word problems involving addition and subtraction of whole numbers helps grade 6 students solidify their arithmetic skills. By solving real-world scenarios, students learn to apply these basic operations confidently. This reinforces their understanding of number manipulation, builds accuracy, and supports the development of strategies for tackling more complex multi-step problems.

Skills Focused: Add and subtract whole numbers

Grade 6 Multiply Whole Numbers Workshets

Working with multiplication word problems, including numbers ending in zeros, allows students to grasp multiplication's practical use. It encourages mastery of multiplication facts and understanding large numbers of operations, strengthening mental math skills. This foundation supports more complex operations, such as multi-digit multiplication and algebraic expressions, which are crucial in higher grades.

Skills Focused: Multiply whole numbers, Multiply numbers ending in zeros

Grade 6 Divide Whole Numbers Workshets

Word problems focusing on division help students understand how to distribute quantities evenly. Covering divisibility rules and division patterns with zeros builds confidence in handling larger numbers and multi-digit divisors. This practice lays the groundwork for future topics like ratios, fractions, and algebra, where division is a fundamental concept.

Skills Focused: Divisibility rules, Division patterns with zeros, Divide numbers ending in zeros, Estimate quotients, Divide whole numbers - 2-digit divisors, Divide whole numbers - 3-digit divisors

Grade 6 Exponents Workshets

Solving word problems involving exponents helps students grasp repeated multiplication meaningfully. This practice includes understanding powers, evaluating expressions, and working with bases and exponents. It fosters skills needed for scientific notation and algebra, where exponential relationships often appear.

Skills Focused: Write multiplication expressions using exponents, Evaluate powers, Write powers of ten with exponents, Find the missing exponent or base, Powers with decimal bases, Powers with fractional bases

Grade 6 Mixed Operations: Whole Numbers Workshets

Mixed operation word problems encourage students to think critically about choosing appropriate operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division) to solve problems. This builds flexibility in problem-solving and enhances their ability to handle multi-step problems with accuracy, preparing them for more advanced math challenges.

Skills Focused: Add, subtract, multiply, or divide two whole numbers, Estimate to solve, Multi-steps, Evaluate numerical expressions

Grade 6 Number Theory Workshets

Word problems in number theory, including identifying prime numbers, factors, and multiples, allow students to explore the properties of numbers. Understanding concepts like GCF and LCM equips students with tools for simplifying fractions and solving equations while reinforcing their arithmetic foundation.

Skills Focused: Prime or composite, Identify factors, Find all the factor pairs of a number, Prime factorization, Greatest common factor, Least common multiple, Sort factors of numerical expressions

Grade 6 Fractions and Decimals Workshets

Working with fractions and decimals in word problems gives students the opportunity to see their practical applications. Skills like converting between fractions and decimals or ordering mixed sets help build a deeper understanding of number relationships, which is essential for real-world problem-solving and advanced math courses.

Skills Focused: Write fractions in lowest terms, Least common denominator, Convert between improper fractions and mixed numbers, Convert fractions to decimals, Convert decimals to fractions, Convert between fractions and repeating decimals, Convert between decimals and fractions, Convert between decimals and mixed numbers, Understand fractions as division, Put a mix of decimals and fractions in order

Grade 6 Add and Subtract Decimals Workshets

These word problems emphasize the importance of accuracy in decimal operations, including money-related problems. Students learn how to approach real-life scenarios involving precise calculations, such as budgeting and measurement, which are crucial for financial literacy and scientific applications.

Skills Focused: Add and subtract decimal numbers, Add and subtract money amounts, Complete the decimal addition or subtraction sentence, Estimate sums and differences of decimals, Maps with decimal distances

Grade 6 Multiply and Divide Decimals Workshets

Through word problems, students practice multiplying and dividing decimals, essential for understanding scaling, proportions, and real-life situations like dividing quantities. These skills also prepare students for advanced topics such as algebra and geometry, where decimal calculations are frequently required.

Skills Focused: Estimate products of decimal numbers, Multiply two decimals, Inequalities with decimal multiplication, Divide decimals by whole numbers, Multiply and divide decimals by powers of ten, Estimate decimal quotients, Division with decimal divisors, Inequalities with decimal division, Multiply and divide decimals

Grade 6 Mixed Operations: Decimals Workshets

Word problems involving mixed operations with decimals help students build versatility in handling complex numerical expressions. These problems promote understanding how decimals operate across different mathematical processes, enhancing their skills for higher-level math tasks.

Skills Focused: Add, subtract, multiply, or divide two decimals, Evaluate numerical expressions involving decimals

Grade 6 Add and Subtract Fractions Workshets

Solving word problems involving fractions strengthens students' understanding of fraction arithmetic. It teaches them to work with like and unlike denominators, reinforcing their ability to estimate and solve problems involving parts of a whole. This is crucial for developing skills in algebra and proportional reasoning.

Skills Focused: Add and subtract fractions with like denominators, Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators, Inequalities with addition and subtraction of like and unlike fractions, Add and subtract mixed numbers, Estimate sums and differences of mixed numbers

Grade 6 Multiply Fractions Workshets

Working with fraction multiplication in word problems allows students to understand concepts like scaling and fractional relationships. It also helps them apply multiplication in diverse scenarios, from cooking to measuring distances, bridging the gap between abstract math and everyday life.

Skills Focused: Multiply fractions by whole numbers, Estimate products of fractions and whole numbers, Multiply two fractions, Scaling whole numbers by fractions, Scaling by fractions and mixed numbers, Multiply three or more fractions and whole numbers, Multiply mixed numbers and whole numbers, Multiply mixed numbers, Multiply three or more mixed numbers, fractions, and/or whole numbers

Grade 6 Divide Fractions Workshets

Practicing division with fractions in word problems enhances students' understanding of reciprocal relationships and fraction manipulation. This skill is essential for solving real-world problems involving the division of quantities and is foundational for topics like ratios and algebra.

Skills Focused: Divide whole numbers by unit fractions, Reciprocals, Divide whole numbers and unit fractions, Divide whole numbers and fractions, Divide fractions, Estimate quotients when dividing mixed numbers, Divide fractions and mixed numbers

Grade 6 Mixed Operations: Fractions Workshets

Mixed operation word problems with fractions teach students how to handle various fractional calculations in a single problem. It enhances their critical thinking and problem-solving skills, preparing them for more complex equations involving fractions and mixed numbers in higher grades.

Skills Focused: Add, subtract, multiply, or divide two fractions, Evaluate numerical expressions involving fractions

Grade 6 Integers Workshets

Practicing integer word problems helps students understand positive and negative numbers in real-life contexts, such as temperature changes or financial transactions. It solidifies their grasp of absolute value and operations with integers, forming a basis for algebra and coordinate geometry topics.

Skills Focused: Understanding integers, Understanding opposite integers, Understanding absolute value, Compare integers, Add integers, Subtract integers, Add and subtract integers, Add three or more integers, Multiply integers, Divide integers

Grade 6 Rational Numbers Workshets

Word problems with rational numbers allow students to compare, order, and understand the magnitude of different types of numbers. This is essential for mastering advanced math topics such as algebra, probability, and number theory, where rational number manipulation is frequently used.

Skills Focused: Rational numbers, Compare and order rational numbers, Opposites of rational numbers, Absolute value of rational numbers

Grade 6 Ratios and Rates Workshets

Solving word problems involving ratios and rates helps students understand relationships between quantities. It builds a foundation for working with proportions and scaling, skills necessary for algebra, geometry, and practical tasks like calculating speed or unit prices.

Skills Focused: Write a ratio, Write a ratio using a fraction, Equivalent ratios, Calculate speed, distance, or time, Compare ratios, Compare rates, Ratios and rates, Do the ratios form a proportion, Solve the proportion, Scale drawings

Grade 6 Proportional Relationships Workshets

Word problems that focus on identifying and working with proportional relationships develop students' ability to recognize equivalent ratios. This skill is vital for solving complex real-life problems in geometry, finance, and algebraic equations.

Skills Focused: Identify proportional relationships

Grade 6 Percents Workshets

Understanding percentages through word problems helps students grasp discounts, tax, and interest rates. Practicing these skills is essential for financial literacy and prepares students for advanced math topics that involve percentage calculations.

Skills Focused: What percentage is decribed, Convert fractions to percents, Convert between percents, fractions, and decimals, Compare percents to each other and to fractions, Compare percents and fractions

Grade 6 Percents of Numbers Workshets

Word problems on finding percentages of numbers help students estimate and calculate real-world quantities, such as sales tax or tip amounts. This practice builds confidence in handling everyday situations involving percentages and supports future learning in statistics and finance.

Skills Focused: Estimate percents of numbers, Solve percent problems, Percents of numbers and money amounts, Find what percent one number is of another, Find the total given a part and a percent, Solve percent

Grade 6 Units of Measurement Workshets

Word problems on units of measurement help students convert between different systems (customary and metric) and apply measurement concepts to real-world situations. This is essential for science, engineering, and practical problem-solving in daily life.

Skills Focused: Estimate customary measurements, Estimate metric measurements, Convert and compare customary units, Convert, compare, add, and subtract mixed customary units, Multiply and divide mixed customary units, Customary unit conversions involving fractions and mixed numbers, Convert and compare metric units, Convert customary and metric units using proportions, Convert between customary and metric systems, Compare temperatures above and below zero, Convert between Celsius and Fahrenheit

Grade 6 Consumer Math Workshets

Consumer math word problems teach students how to apply math in everyday financial scenarios, such as calculating prices, discounts, and interest. It fosters a practical understanding of budgeting, savings, and responsible financial decision-making.

Skills Focused: Consumer math, Unit prices with fractions and decimals, Unit prices with customary unit conversions, Sale prices, Percents - calculate tax, tip, mark-up, and more, Simple interest

Grade 6 Expressions Workshets

Solving word problems involving expressions allows students to translate verbal phrases into mathematical language. It helps them understand variable manipulation, setting a strong foundation for algebraic thinking and problem-solving.

Skills Focused: Write variable expressions, Evaluate variable expressions with whole numbers, Evaluate multi-variable expressions, Evaluate variable expressions with decimals, fractions, and mixed numbers, Identify terms and coefficients, Sort factors of variable expressions

Grade 6 Equivalent Expressions Workshets

Word problems with equivalent expressions encourage students to apply properties of operations to simplify and manipulate algebraic expressions. This practice strengthens their ability to solve complex equations and prepares them for advanced topics in algebra.

Skills Focused: Identify equivalent expressions, Properties of addition, Properties of multiplication, Multiply using the distributive property, Multiply using the distributive property, Factor numerical expressions using the distributive property, Factor variable expressions, Solve for a variable using properties of multiplication, Write equivalent expressions using properties, Add and subtract like terms, Identify equivalent expressions

Grade 6 One-Variable Equations Workshets

Word problems involving one-variable equations teach students to model real-life situations using algebraic expressions. It helps develop skills in solving equations and inequalities, essential for future algebra courses.

Skills Focused: Which x satisfies an equation, Write an equation from words, Identify expressions and equations, Model and solve equations, Model and solve equations, Write and solve equations, Solve one-step addition and subtraction equations with whole numbers, Solve one-step multiplication and division equations with whole numbers, Solve one-step equations with whole numbers, Solve one-step addition and subtraction equations with decimals and fractions, Solve one-step multiplication and division equations with decimals and fractions, Write a one-step equation, Solve one-step equations, Solve one-step equations involving integers

Grade 6 One-Variable Inequalities Workshets

Solving word problems involving inequalities helps students understand conditions that satisfy mathematical relationships. This practice is important for algebra and real-world decision-making, where limits and ranges are often required.

Skills Focused: Solutions to inequalities, Write inequalities, Write and graph inequalities, Solve one-step inequalities, One-step inequalities

Grade 6 Two-Variable Equations Workshets

Word problems on two-variable equations encourage students to analyze relationships between different quantities. This forms a basis for understanding linear equations and graphing, crucial for advanced algebra and geometry.

Skills Focused: Identify independent and dependent variables, Find a value using two-variable equations, Find two-variable equations, Write a two-variable equation

Grade 6 Lines and Angles Workshets

Practicing word problems with lines and angles helps students understand geometric concepts such as measuring angles and identifying complementary and supplementary angles. This foundational knowledge supports future learning in geometry and trigonometry.

Skills Focused: Lines, line segments, and rays, Measure and classify angles, Estimate angle measurements, Name angles, Complementary and supplementary angles, Identify complementary, supplementary, vertical, adjacent, and congruent angles, Find measures of complementary, supplementary, vertical, and adjacent angles

Grade 6 Two-Dimensional Figures Workshets

Word problems involving two-dimensional figures encourage students to identify and classify shapes, work with their properties, and solve for missing values. This builds spatial reasoning and geometric problem-solving skills.

Skills Focused: Identify and classify polygons, Classify triangles, Triangle inequality, Identify trapezoids, Classify quadrilaterals, Find missing angles in triangles, Find missing angles in special triangles, Find missing angles in quadrilaterals, Sums of angles in polygons, Line symmetry

Grade 6 Three-Dimensional Figures Workshets

Solving problems involving three-dimensional figures helps students visualize and understand the properties of polyhedra and other solids. It develops skills in spatial awareness and volume calculations, essential for geometry.

Skills Focused: Identify polyhedra, Which figure is being described, Nets of three-dimensional figures, Front, side, and top view

Grade 6 Perimeter and Area Workshets

Word problems focusing on perimeter and area help students understand how to measure the size of two-dimensional shapes. This skill is important for geometry and practical applications such as planning, construction, and landscaping.

Skills Focused: Area of rectangles and squares, Area of parallelograms, Area of triangles, Area of trapezoids, Area of rhombuses, Area of quadrilaterals, Area of compound figures, Area of compound figures with triangles, Area between two rectangles, Area between two triangles, Rectangles: relationship between perimeter and area, Compare area and perimeter of two figures, Area of quadrilaterals and triangles

Grade 6 Surface Area and Volume Workshets

Word problems involving surface area and volume enable students to understand how to measure the space occupied by three-dimensional objects. This knowledge is important for geometry, physics, and real-life applications like packaging.

Skills Focused: Volume of cubes and rectangular prisms, Volume of cubes and rectangular prisms with fractional side lengths, Surface area of cubes and rectangular prisms, Volume of triangular prisms, Surface area of triangular prisms, Surface area of pyramids, Relate volume and surface area

Grade 6 Data and Graphs Workshets

Word problems with data and graphs help students learn how to collect, organize, and interpret information. This skill is valuable for statistics and everyday decision-making based on data analysis.

Skills Focused: Create line plots, Interpret line plots, Create and interpret line plots with fractions, Create frequency charts, Interpret categorical data

Grade 6 Statistics Workshets

Solving statistical word problems allows students to understand central tendency and variability measures. It enhances their ability to interpret data, identify trends, and make predictions, which are important in science, economics, and social studies.

Skills Focused: Calculate mean, median, mode, and range, Interpret charts and graphs to find mean, median, mode, and range, Mean, median, mode, and range: find the missing number, Changes in mean, median, mode, and range, Calculate mean absolute deviation, Calculate quartiles and interquartile range, Identify an outlier, Identify an outlier and describe the effect of removing it, Interpret measures of center and variability, Describe distributions in line plots, Identify representative, random, and biased samples

Grade 6 Probability Workshets

Probability word problems help students understand the likelihood of different outcomes. This skill is useful for decision-making under uncertainty and forms the basis for more advanced statistics and probability theory studies.

Skills Focused: Sample spaces of simple events, Counting principle, Probability of one event, Make predictions, Probability of simple events and opposite events

Grade 6 Financial Literacy Workshets

Practicing word problems involving financial literacy teaches students how to manage money wisely. Topics such as budgeting, understanding interest, and comparing financial products are essential life skills for responsible economic management.

Skills Focused: Compare checking accounts, Check registers, Debit cards and credit cards, Credit reports, Paying for college, Occupations, education, and income